
1. Promote a penal policy that reduces the recourse to incarceration, and combats prison overcrowding:

  • Encourage non-custodial sentences, including penal constraint
  • Adapt prison sentences by substantially developing conditional release and release under constraint, and avoid releases unaccompanied by re-entry support
  • Provide mechanisms to prevent prison overcrowding (numerus clausus)

2. Create confinement conditions that respect fundamental rights and human dignity:

  • Respect the law on solitary confinement
  • Rethink the design of new correctional facilities, whose dehumanizing character is denounced by all stakeholders, prisoners, personnel and external players
  • Implement European standard minimum rules for the treatment of prisoners

Encourage prison decompartmentalization:

  • Support access to prisons by civil society, especially with regard to associations
  • Support all public services’ access to prisons (health, education, and training) to guarantee quality and the equivalency of rights, inside and out.

4. Add meaning and content to the duration of the sentence:

  • Allow all individuals to take ownership of managing their time. Facilitate access to activities, work, training, sports, leisure, cultural practices, information and self-expression.
  • Implement a genuine preparation for release, through effective accompanying measures.
  • Allow for the collective expression of prisoners, in the spirit of the European standard minimum rule no. 50, for the treatment of prisoners.