The death penalty was abolished on the 16 November 1996.
Deaths in detention
Twelve prisoners died in prisons in 2015. Deaths are mainly caused by inadequate medical assistance after fights, diseases, torture and other ill treatments. Examination, diagnosis, as well as operational and post-operational treatments are too often too late. Psychotropic medicines and sedatives are also often used inadequately.
M.D., D.T., and I.C., for example, died because of inadequate healthcare.
Suicide prevention programs are considered ineffective and there is an absence of rehabilitation programs.
Number of deaths
Ombudsman, 2015
Ill-treatment and violence
Many prisoners held in police stations or serving sentences are victim of inhuman and degrading treatment, such as beatings, psychological pressure or threats. Human Rights Center has seen an increasing number of complains, in 2015, of ill-treatment at the hands of penitentiary staff.
Unfortunately, there is no effective independent investigation mechanism to address these cases, and prevent further incidents. Throughout 2015, NGOs and the Georgian Bar Association actively raised this issue, but parliament has not yet taken concrete steps to create this mechanism.
Investigations are either not conducted, or ineffective because they are obstructed. For example, the case of George Comaia, beaten by the police in 2014, has still not been investigated, neither has the case of G.M, beaten by police in Tbilisi in 2015.
For women, repeated full examinations can be considered degrading treatment, and do not conform to the Bangkok rules.