Seen in the press
Read our selection of press reports about this country. This is a short description of prison conditions on a national scale. It gives an account of the preceding year’s events.
Syria: International Court of Justice rules against the country in torture case
The International Court of Justice (ICJ) order on November 16, 2023, directing Syria to take all measures within its power to prevent acts of torture and other abuses is a milestone toward protecting civilians in the country, Human Rights Watch said.Syria: desperately searching for missing prisoners
Thousands of people have “vanished” inside Syria’s prison system over more than a decade of civil conflict. Their families are left in a desperate situation, forced to pay out large sums of money to middlemen, government and security officials for any information about their loved ones - often with…
Syrie : des experts de l'ONU consternés par la mort d'un jeune australien dans un centre de détention
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Syrie : une dizaine de mineurs français dans la prison attaquée par l’EI
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Syrie : Des djihadistes s’évadent après l’attaque d’une prison par l’organisation Etat islamique
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Syrie : le “piano” de la mort de la prison de Palmyre
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Syria: young man from eastern Ghouta dies in regime prison, after three years of detention
Sources have reported that a young man from Arbin city in eastern Ghouta in Rif Dimashq died under torture in Sednaya military prison, known as the “Slaughterhouse”, after he was detained for nearly three years.
Syrie : les prisonniers du régime, un business juteux pour les escrocs, face à des familles désespérées
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Syria: prisoner from eastern Ghouta dies under torture in Sednaya prison
Syrian Observatory activists have documented the death of a civilian from Saqba city in eastern Ghouta, seven years after being arrested at a security checkpoint in Damascus. The victim died under torture in Sednaya prison (known as the Slaughterhouse). With the death of more civilians, the number…
Syria: "On dort l'un sur l'autre" : plongée au cœur d'une prison de jihadistes au Kurdistan syrien (vidéo)
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Jihadistes détenus en Syrie : "Au lieu d'organiser une justice, on met ce problème dans un étouffoir"
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Syria: cómo es la prisión kurda donde están encerrados miles de terroristas del Estado Islámico
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Syria: boys, men held in inhumane conditions
A Kurdish-led armed group backed by the United States-led coalition against the Islamic State (also known as ISIS) is detaining thousands of Syrian and foreign men and boys in severely overcrowded informal detention centers in northeast Syria, Human Rights Watch said today.
Syria: "Palmyre", chasser les fantômes
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