“Nine Circles of Hell”
NGOs report on detention conditions in Ukrainian prisons under Russian occupation
The Danish Institute against Torture (DIGNITY), the European Prison Litigation Network (EPLN), the Kharkiv Human Rights Protection Group (KHPG), the Protection of Prisoners of Ukraine (PPU) and Ukraine without Torture (UwT) have collaborated on a report entitled “Nine Circles of Hell”. This document provides an account of the state of places of detention in Ukraine under the Russian occupation. It reveals the human rights and other violations of international law committed, between March and December 2022, in official and unofficial places of detention in the non-government-controlled areas (NGCAs) of Ukraine. The report is based on information and evidence gathered from 121 interviews with victims and witnesses who experienced Russian custody.
“Given the ubiquity of torture and other ill-treatment in official and unofficial places of detention, its broad geographic spread, the commonality across occupied regions and places of detention in terms of methods and targeted victims, torture and other ill-treatment could be considered widespread and systematic.”
Discover the key points from the report on detention facilities under Russian occupation.