USA: "Bio Warfare" - How prisons help the spread of hepatitis C behind bars
Anarchist prisoner Noah “Kado” Coffin offers some observations about the conditions that allow the spread of Hepatitis C behind bars, and the Texas prison system’s indifference to the disease.
Did you know that using CF2 gas on an enemy force is considered a war crime? Or even an aviator shooting a downed pilot or medic? This is counted along with torture and various other unconscionable things – but allow me to welcome you to how the land of “liberty” – “the home of the brave”, “land of the free!” – Prison Nation deals with those who oppose them, be that on the field of battle or as unruly citizens.
There is a rule of thumb here in America – it is conform or be conformed. I can merely relate to you what I’ve studied or heard in reference to ugly wartime happening or political tyranny – however, I can be the one to give you personal accounts of Prison Nation “behind the scenes”, here behind the wall…
Here of late, my work has been primarily about the Hepatitis C epidemic (HCV). Hard to leave that subject well enough alone due to the fact that it appears to be the number one threat to the life and longevity to all those who find themselves behind the wall. It also appears intentional, if not deliberately disregarded.
Be the judge, and following this exposé I’m sure to leave you in question. In this vast and growing nation, a mere 1% of the population has been estimated to have this deadly yet curable virus. As this is Prison Nation – America boasts a staggering 1.3 million state prisoners (not including jails or prisoners awaiting conviction)! – an alarming percentage of those prisoners have the virus, and that is the ones who have been tested. Roughly 20%, or 1/5, of the prison population has this deadly virus. The cure exists, and though the constitution and written laws guarantee prisoners have the “right” to receive it, the oppressive corporate system continues to refuse the drugs! I have exposed the cross-contaminating breeding grounds under the “care and custody” of TDCJ in recent exposés. The concentration camp buzzcut leaving prisoners’ ears nicked, run-over moles bleeding, then on to the next “offender” who has no choice but to submit to the “policy”. And roll the dice…
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