
France: “wearing the prison mark”

Alternative measures to prison apply to far more people than prisoners held in custodial facilities. In France, as in many Western countries, these measures are taking precedence over prison sentences. Just over 70,000 people were incarcerated at the start of 2019. At the same time, 170,000 offenders were being monitored outside of prison.

Electronic monitoring is based on the principle of house arrest and lets offenders serve their sentences at home. Is house arrest a step towards freedom, or a new form of surveillance? Professor and researcher Franck Ollivon specialises in carceral geography and is the author of the thesis La prison chevillée au corps. Pour une approche géographique du placement sous surveillance électronique (‘Wearing the prison mark. A geographical approach of electronic monitoring’). We asked him three questions.

The idea is to use technology to establish a new form of control

The experience is always one of imprisonment