Israel and Occupied Palestinian Territories
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Israel: prison guards film abuse of Palestinian detainees
Israeli prison guards are taking photos and filming their abuse of Palestinian detainees, while the Israeli Prison Service says this is a ‘routine exercise’. Incarcerated Palestinian people have reported being subject to violence, and other forms of severe abuse and humiliation.Israel: whistleblowers detail abuse of Palestinians in shadowy detention center
Strapped down, blindfolded, held in diapers… At a military base that now doubles as a detention center in Israel’s Negev desert, an Israeli working at the facility snapped two photographs of a scene that he says continues to haunt him.Israel: the country releases 150 Palestinian detainees amid torture allegations
Many were admitted to hospital upon their release and say they were subjected to various kinds of abuse and torture. “I went into jail with two legs and I returned with one leg,” Sufian Abu Salah said by phone from the hospital.Israel: Knesset extends ‘incarceration emergency’ as prisons near capacity
The Knesset National Security Committee voted unanimously to extend Israel’s “incarceration emergency” until mid-January, allowing the country’s correctional system to continue housing prisoners in what would otherwise be considered illegally cramped conditions.Israel: why are so many Palestinian prisoners in jails?
One in every five Palestinians has been arrested and charged under the 1,600 military orders that control every aspect of the lives of Palestinians living under the Israeli military occupation. That incarceration rate doubles for Palestinian men — two in every five have been arrested.Israel: how “civil war” between Ben Gvir and Prison Service is hurting Palestinian detainees
Tensions between Palestinian inmates and Israeli authorities have been brewing for months. Since the beginning of the year, Palestinian prisoners have declared hunger strikes five times, only to be called off on the first day after reaching a deal.
Israël : fin de cavale pour quatre des six Palestiniens évadés d'une prison israélienne
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