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Iran: Human Rights Watch calls for release of Iranian prisoners as COVID-19 crisis worsens
Human Rights Watch (HRW) warned on Tuesday of the dangerous situation faced by prisoners in Iran as the COVID-19 crisis deepens in the country, calling on authorities in the Islamic Republic to “unconditionally” release prisoners detained for peaceful dissent. “Iran’s prison authorities should unco…Irán impone otro año de cárcel a Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe, la iranobritánica que liberó el pasado marzo
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Irán: recluso sometido a 60 azotes y en riesgo de amputación tras intento de suicidio
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Iran : huit prisonniers baloutches et arabes ahwazis sont en danger, dans un contexte de hausse inquiétante des exécutions
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Iran: hell in south Tehran, juvenile prisoners speak out
“The situation is terrible. The water is undrinkable, the washing facilities are faulty, and bathroom breaks are rationed. There’s hot water for half an hour a day. The ward is dirty and full to bursting. A ladleful of lentils and stones, and frozen rotten sausages, is all we get to eat. There are…Irán: detengan la ejecución de un joven arrestado a los 16 años y obligado a “confesar” bajo tortura
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Irán: la ejecución del periodista Rouhollah Zam, un “golpe mortal” a la libertad de expresión
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Irán: seis hombres en peligro inminente de que les amputen los dedos tras juicios injustos y tortura
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Irán: deben detener la ejecución inminente del académico irano-sueco Ahmadreza Djalali
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