October 17, 2016 Brésil : affrontements dans une prison, au moins 25 morts News South America Violence Brazil Sorry, this article is not available in English. If you wish, you can consult the French version.
October 17, 2016 Brazil prison clashes 'kill 25 inmates' News South America Violence Brazil At least 25 inmates have been killed in clashes between two rival factions in an overcrowded prison in northern Brazil, local media report. Seven of the dead were beheaded and six others burned to death, a police official reportedly said. The incident in Boa Vista, the capital of Roraima state, hap…
October 17, 2016 Venezuela : Man 'dismembered and eaten by inmates' during Venezuela prison riot, father claims News South America Violence Venezuela The prison riots reportedly began when eight visitors and two guards were taken hostage over extreme overcrowding in the jail. A father has claimed his 25-year-old son was brutally murdered and eaten by inmates during a month-long riot at a Venezuelan prison.
September 28, 2016 Venezuela : vinculan hurto de granadas con pranes de la PGV y toma militar en Guárico News South America Violence Venezuela “En los medios de comunicación social dicen que nosotros somos los que nos llevamos los fusiles y granadas del cuartel, pero si se rompió la seguridad de ellos, eso no es nuestra responsabilidad. A nosotros no nos interesan esas armas”, indicó uno de los líderes de los privados de libertad en la Pe…
September 21, 2016 Venezuela : exigen investigar corrupción en la construcción de cárcel en Zulia News South America Venezuela Las organizaciones Transparencia Venezuela, Observatorio Venezolano de Prisiones (OVP) y la Comisión de Derechos Humanos del Estado Zulia (Codhez) denunciaron el abandono de las obras del Centro de Reclusión de Procesados Judiciales de la entidad, a la cual el Ministerio para los Servicios Penitenc…
September 9, 2016 Uruguay : en ocho meses se alcanzó récord de presos muertos News South America Violence Uruguay Treinta y un presos fueron asesinados en lo que va de 2016 en las cárceles uruguayas, y más de 70 resultaron con heridas de entidad por armas blancas y quemaduras de colchones de polifón. En los últimos cuatro días, fueron ultimadas tres personas, dos resultaron con heridas y quemaduras graves y ot…
September 5, 2016 Argentina packs prisons with drug offenders News South America Drugs Argentina The number of prison inmates in Argentina convicted for drug offenses has more than doubled in a decade, a red flag for the country’s growing role in the drug trade and the risk of future prison overcrowding. The prison population sentenced on the basis of Law 23.737, Argentina’s anti-drug legislat…
August 20, 2016 Colombia : Sorry, we can't let you go on honeymoon! Amazing pictures show 17 prisoners of a tough Colombian jail get hitched in mass wedding behind bars News South America Colombia A notorious high-security prison in Colombia allowed 17 of its inmates to get married yesterday to their long-term girlfriends. The mass ceremony at the Carcel Villa Hermosa prison in Cali, Colombia saw the happy couples sign up to spend the rest of their lives together, once their husbands have co…
August 20, 2016 Colombie : noce collective dans une prison News South America Colombia La prison colombienne de Villahermosa a servi vendredi à la fois d’église et de salle des fêtes pour le mariage collectif de 17 détenus qui, en dépit d’être derrière les barreaux, ont décidé de s’unir à leurs fiancées.
July 30, 2016 Paraguay : un narcotrafiquant brésilien bénéficiait de largesses de l'administration News South America Paraguay Trois pièces, salle de réunion, cuisine équipée et écran plasma…Alors que dans la plupart des prisons latino-américaines, à Tacumbu, des prisonniers dorment sur des cartons à même le sol, dans le froid, ce n’était pas le cas de Jarvis Chimenes Pavao.
July 13, 2016 Colombie : enquête sur 400 disparitions dans une prison de Bogota News South America Colombia This article is not available in English. If you wish, you can consult the French version.
July 10, 2016 Pérou : l'une des prisons les plus hautes du monde inaugurée à 4.100m d'altitude News South America Peru Une prison construite à 4 100 mètres d’altitude, où les températures peuvent descendre l’hiver jusqu’à -14 degrés. Le Pérou a ouvert samedi l’un des établissements pénitentiaires les plus hauts du monde près de Cochamarca, un village de 1 500 habitants situé à environ 200 km au nord de Lima.
June 17, 2016 Argentina : el lado más oscuro de las cárceles News South America Argentina La Nación accedió en exclusiva a las imágenes de los relevamientos realizados por la Procuraduría de Violencia Institucional (Procuvin) en diferentes prisiones; cuáles fueron las principales violaciones a los Derechos Humanos detectadas
June 1, 2016 Colombia : Cárcel la Tramacúa de Valledupar, al borde del cierre News South America Colombia This article is not available in English. If you wish, you can consult the Spanish version.
May 31, 2016 Colombia : Ni agua para los presos de la cárcel de Valledupar News South America Colombia This article is not available in English. If you wish, you can consult the Spanish version.
May 14, 2016 Argentina : inmates live with rats, bats and garbage in jails News South America Argentina “The nation’s prisons will be healthy and clean, since they are for security purposes and not to punish the convicts held in them”, the Argentine constitution says, but the fact is that inmates in those jails share their cells with rats, cockroaches and, according to some complaints, even bats.
May 4, 2016 Colombia : Procuraduría evidenció crisis humanitaria en cárceles de Santander News South America Colombia This article is not available in English. If you wish, you can consult the Spanish version.
March 20, 2016 Venezuela : toma de rehenes en una cárcel deja 4 personas fallecidas News South America Venezuela Los presos del centro penitenciario Fenix, en Venezuela, tomaron como rehenes a 18 miembros del personal penitenciario durante 4 días, para protestar contra las graves violaciones de derechos humanos que tienen que soportar. Cuatro personas fallecieron y 18 fueron heridas.
July 18, 2015 Argentina : prisoners gain new focus through pinhole photography News South America Argentina “People think prison is like a horror film,” says Celeste Moyano, sitting in the library of the Unidad 31 women’s penitentiary outside Buenos Aires. She participates in a photography workshops facilitated by YoNoFui, a social organisation that runs support and education schemes for women both in an…
July 10, 2015 Colombia : Colombia Raids 'Luxury' Prison Wing News South America Colombia Colombia’s prison authorities have moved to “retake” a section of the country’s most notorious prison, after reports emerged of the luxury lifestyles of the wealthy inmates living there. Colombia’s National Penitentiary and Prison Institute (INPEC) raided what is popularly known as the “parapolitic…
October 24, 2014 Colombia : La peor crisis carcelaria en la historia News South America Colombia This article is not available in English. If you wish, you can consult the Spanish version
August 5, 2014 Colombia : Arrests Show Reach of Colombia Prison-Based Extortion Gangs News South America Colombia Police in Colombia have dismantled a prison-based extortion gang that operated in numerous prisons and cities across the country, demonstrating just how coordinated and sophisticated such networks have become. Colombia’s anti-extortion and kidnapping police, the Gaula, have arrested 16 women and 5…