Contact with the outside world

All prisoners have the right to receive visits


Prison Rule 35 requires prisoners to have a one-hour visit twice a month. At least one of these visits must take place on weekends. The warden may temporarily suspend this right when the person is placed in solitary confinement and when theyconsider that the behaviour of the person requires it.1

Remand prisoners may receive three one-hour visits each week, including one on the weekend.

Social visits require a permit. There are two types of visits: admission visits, authorised within 72 hours of incarceration, and ordinary visits. The permit can be applied for online, on the government website, or by calling the prison. The visitor must communicate the name of the person to visit, their prison number and date of birth. The prisoner must mention the visitor’s name on their authorised list. The visitor must present a passport photo on arrival.1

Visit permits are granted

within a week

The government website informs the person scheduling their online visit that a confirmation email will be sent to them within one to three days.

People eligible to visit

any person

Most facilities have a visitors’ centre outside the prison. These centres are generally run by charitable organisations to assist families.

A prisoner who does not have a relative who can visit can request a ‘prison visitor’: a person who offers to befriend a prisoner to provide support and encouragement.1

  1. Jeanette HALL, Nancy LOUCKS, Nicola PADFIELD, “Le système pénitentiaire anglais et gallois”, Centre de Recherche sur la Justice Pénale et Pénitentiaire (CRJ2P/IFTJ), 2024, p. 4. (in French) 

The facility is required to provide a visiting space that is as “relaxed and informal” as possible. It must have decent facilities, toilets, changing space for babies… Lockers are available for visitors to safely store any items prohibited in detention. Reasonably priced food (snacks, meals, hot or cold drinks…) are available for purchase. They must be adapted for religious, cultural or dietary diets. The number of adult visitors is limited to three for a single prisoner. This number is not limited to children of the same detained parent.1
Prisoners at Lincoln Prison have the possibility of sharing a meal with their families during visiting hours. This takes place in the prison’s restaurant, opened as part of a rehabilitation programme run by the charity The Right Course, which offers prisoners the opportunity to gain a diploma in catering and qualifications in service.

Prisoners and visitors can meet without physical barriers


A separation device may be imposed during a visit to prevent the introduction of forbidden products or other facts that could jeopardise “the good order and control of the facility”.1

Prisoners are allowed to receive visits from their children or minor relatives


Facilities are required to provide children with adapted equipment and games. Special visits are sometimes authorised in certain facilities for family events.1

Conjugal visits are allowed


Visitors may bring authorised objects or goods. The PSI 16/2011 defines the list. Objects that are “indecent or obscene, constituting a threat to the security of the prison or are written in coded language” are prohibited.

The visitor is prohibited from releasing anything written by a prisoner intended for publication and from being paid for it.1

Prisons Minister, Victoria Atkins, confirmed in the House of Commons on 25 May 2022 that “families and friends could send books to their imprisoned loved ones - either directly or via approved providers”. The announcement followed the banning of books not sent via approved providers by at least two prisons, in contravention of a rule introduced in 2015 permitting inmates to receive books by hand or by post from any sender. Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, families were no longer allowed to hand books directly to their detained loved ones due to the risk of contamination, but were still entitled to post books. Victoria Atkins said that the prisons which acted in contravention of the rule had been reminded of it and their actions addressed.

In the visiting area, facilities display useful information and a list of the main prohibited objects in several languages and with images.2

  • The mother of a man incarcerated at HMP Northumberland was not allowed to send or give books to her son, contrary to the Incentives Policy Framework. Inside Time contacted the company that manages the facility, who said they had reviewed the policy in place at the facility. The transmission of books had been stopped due to a policy meant to combat drug trafficking. The company says that it is once again possible to bring books to people incarcerated at the facility.

    / Inside Time

Current legislation and policies do not provide for the placement of prisoners in facilities located near their relatives’ place of residence. However, some measures are taken to ensure that family ties are maintained for those who are imprisoned at a distance. Prisoners may apply for temporary transfer to a nearby facility. The duration of such a placement must not exceed that of 26 statutory visits. The prisoner had to waive their visiting rights during the 12 months preceding the reunification.1
People serving sentences can request a temporary transfer, after six months without visits, to a facility closer to their family. The transfer usually lasts 28 days. The prisoner is entitled to a maximum of 26 unused visits during this period. Some visits may be refused in the event of overcrowding.
Families with limited means may apply for financial assistance from the government to facilitate visits.2

  1. Department of Justice, PSI 16/2011 on Visits and Visitor Services

  2. Jeanette HALL, Nancy LOUCKS, Nicola PADFIELD, “Le système pénitentiaire anglais et gallois”, Centre de Recherche sur la Justice Pénale et Pénitentiaire (CRJ2P/IFTJ), 2024, p. 4. (in French) 

A prisoner may, with the permission of the prison management, marry or form a civil union. The costs are borne by the person in prison.

Prisoners are allowed to exchange mail

yes, under conditions

Correspondence with any person or body may, at the discretion of the prison governor, be prohibited (under Prison Rule 34). Such a prohibition is possible if there is “reason to believe that the person or body concerned is planning or carrying out activities posing a genuine threat to the safety or good order of the facility or other facilities”.1

The number of letters allowed depends on the type :

  • statutory letter: the weekly number of these letters is fixed and they cannot be banned as a punishment. The mailing costs are paid by the State.
  • priviledged letter: confidential correspondence between a prisoner and his lawyer, a magistrate or any other authorised person or body.
  • special letter: additional letters that are allowed to be sent in a number of circumstances

The number of letters also depends on the status of the prisoner, whether convicted or not. Postage is paid twice per week for remand prisoners and once for sentenced prisoners.2 Refer to the PSI49/2011 for further details.

  1. Department of Justice, PSI 49/on the communications from prisoners, p. 8. 

  2. Jeanette HALL, Nancy LOUCKS, Nicola PADFIELD, “Le système pénitentiaire anglais et gallois”, Centre de Recherche sur la Justice Pénale et Pénitentiaire (CRJ2P/IFTJ), 2024, p. 4 (in French). 

Mail exchanged is subject to control


Most incoming and outgoing mail is subject to staff control.1 “Any letter or other correspondence to or from a prisoner may be read, listened to, recorded or examined by the prison governor. They may, at their discretion, intercept or stop any letter or other correspondence if its contents are objectionable or unusually long” (Rule 34.4).

Refer to the Legal and confidential mail section of the PSI 49/2011 to find out the list of bodies and individuals benefiting from confidential exchanges.

Prisoners are allowed to exchange mail in sealed envelopes


All mail can be checked. The prison governor may open a legally confidential letter if they have “reasonable grounds to believe that it is accompanied by illegal material, is not genuinely a letter from legal counsel, or that its contents jeopardise prison security, the safety of others, or is in any way criminal”.1

  1. Department of Justice, PSI 49/2011 on communications from prisoners, p. 18. 

Prisoners are allowed to receive parcels


Relatives or family members of prisoners are no longer allowed to send objects to them by post or during visits. 1 Exceptional authorisation may be granted. Before purchasing or sending any object, relatives are required to obtain authorisation from prison staff.2

  1. See the site of Prisoners’ Families Helpline. 

  2. Department of Justice, Staying in touch with someone in prison

E-mail exchange is possible


Some prisons provide access to the service Email a prisoner. The dispatched message is printed and transmitted to the prisoner by staff. Each e-mail costs 40 pence. Prisoners are allowed, in some institutions, to reply also via Email a prisoner.1

Prisoners are allowed to make external phone calls


The authorised call time is normally more than two hours per day. It is possible, by using the service Prison Voicemail, to exchange voice mails with a prisoner.

Prisoners are allowed to call


Prisoners are provided, upon authorisation, with a list of telephone calls. This list includes up to 20 personal numbers and 15 legal and confidential numbers. In addition to these 35 numbers, they can contact other organisations: the Prison Reform Trust, the Samaritans, the Prison and Probation Ombudsman (PPO), the Crimestoppers association, the courts and the Palace of Westminster, the seat of Parliament. Prisoners do not have access to business numbers, except to communicate with family members or relatives.

The phones are located

  • in the corridors
  • in the cell

Of the closed facilities managed by the prison service, 86% have telephones in the cells.

All women’s prisons now have a telephone in each cell1 according to the authorities.

  1. Inside Time, In-cell phones at all women’s prisons, october 2021. 

  • The prison service stated that 92 public correctional facilities will be equipped with in-cell telephones by the end of February 2024. The Minister of Justice announced in January that telephone lines had been successfully installed in the cells of 86 facilities. All women’s facilities have been equipped with in-cell telephones since 2021.

    / Inside Time

The cost of phone calls is in line with market prices


Telephones are provided by the private company BT, which takes on the cost of providing the phones and in return generates a profit from the calls.

The cost of phone calls breaks down, in December 2022, as follows:

  • £3.10 per minute to a landline (weekday)

  • £2.75 per minute to a landline (weekend)

  • £6.88 per minute to a mobile (weekday)

  • £4.50 per minute to a mobile (weekend)

The prison management may cover the cost of a telephone call in the event of death or an emergency. One five-minute call per month may be paid for prisoners normally living abroad who have not received a visit in the previous month.1

  1. Jeanette HALL, Nancy LOUCKS, Nicola PADFIELD, “Le système pénitentiaire anglais et gallois”, Centre de Recherche sur la Justice Pénale et Pénitentiaire (CRJ2P/IFTJ), 2024, p. 5. (in French) 

Phones calls are wire tapped


Calls are monitored and recorded by prison staff. Calls to lawyers or to bodies listed in Prison Rule 39 are not.

The use of cell phones is authorised


Prisoners have access to video calls with external contacts


Jeanette HALL, Nancy LOUCKS, Nicola PADFIELD, "Le système pénitentiaire anglais et gallois", Centre de Recherche sur la Justice Pénale et Pénitentiaire (CRJ2P/IFTJ), 2024, p. 5 (in French).