United Kingdom
Capital city — London
Country population
i01/01/2023Incarceration rate (per 100,000 inhabit…
139In November 2024,…
i11/2024/ in England and WalesType of government
Human Development Index
iHomicide rate (per 100,000 inhabitants)
iName of authority in charge of the pris…
three distinct administrationsEngland and Wales…
Total number of incarcerated people
86,038In November 2024,…
i25/11/2024/ in England and WalesAverage length of imprisonment (in mont…
12.1Is 2022, the aver…
i2022/ in England and WalesPrison density
108.1 %The prison densit…
i10/2024/ in England and WalesTotal number of prison facilities
120120 facilities in…
i2023/ in England and WalesAn NPM has been established
yesin March 2009
Female prisoners
4.1 %There are 3,528 (…
i11/2024/ in England and WalesIncarcerated minors
0.3 %0.3% in England a…
i09/2024/ in England and WalesPercentage of untried prisoners
20.4 %There are 17,711…
i09/2024/ in England and WalesDeath penalty is abolished
yessince 1998
ACCT - Assessment, Care in Custody and Teamwork, monitoring procedure of a suicidal or auto-agressive prisoner.
CAT - United Nations Convention Against Torture
CCTV - Closed-Circuit Television
CNA - Certified National Accommodation, quality standard of British Prison Service accommodation
CPT - European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment
CQC - Care Quality Commission
CRC - Community Rehabilitation Companies businesses supervising the reintegration of people into civil society
CRC - Community Rehabilitation Company
CSRA - Cell Sharing Risk Assessment
DAS - Detention Advice Service aid and advice agency for immigrants at risk of detention or in detention
DDC - Deputy Director of Custody
DTO - Detention and Training Order, prison sentence applicable to minors between the age of 12 and 17.
EEA - European Economic Area
EHRC - Equality and Human Rights Commission, a non-departmental public body
FLO - Family Liaison Officer
GP - General Practitioner
HIW - Healthcare Inspectorate Wales
HM - Her Majesty’s
HMIP - Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Prisons
HMP - Her Majesty’s Prison
HMPPS - Her Majesty’s Prison & Probation Service
ICPR - Institute for Criminal Policy Research
IEP - Incentives and Earned Privileges (for prisoners)
IF - Intensive Fostering
ILP - Individual Learning Plan
IMB - Independent Monitoring Board
IPP - Indeterminate Sentence for Public Protection
IRP - Independent Review of Progress
ISS - Intensive Supervision and Surveillance
ISS - Investigation Support Section
IT - Information Technology
ITC - Introduction to Custody
JCWI - Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants: independent organisation for legal support for immigrants and for the fight against discrimination
LHB - Local Health Board
MBU - Mother and Baby Unit
MEP - Member of European Parliament
MoJ - Ministry of Justice
MP - Member of Parliament
NHS - National Health Service
NOMS - National Offender Management Service
NPM - National Preventive Mechanism
Ofsted - Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills
OPCAT - Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, UN convention against torture and other inhuman or degrading sentences or treatment.
PAVA - Pelargonic Acid Vanillylamide
PED - Parole Eligibility Date
PET - Prisoner’s Education Trust, a charity active in the education of prisoners.
POELT - Prison Officer Entry Level Training
PPO - Prisons and Probation Ombudsman
PRT - Prison Reform Trust
PSI - Prison Service Instruction, a publication from the prison administration
PSO - Prison Service Order, a publication from the prison administration revoking or replacing a PSI publication
RLC - Refugee Legal Centre assistance centre for asylum seekers
ROTL - Release on Temporary Licence, system of allowing a person to leave
RPM - Royal Prerogative of Mercy
SCH - Secure Children’s Home
SLA - Service Level Agreement
SPL - Special Purpose Licences, Special permission to leave
SPT - Subcommittee on the Prevention of Torture
STC - Secure Training Centre
UK - United Kingdom
UNDP - United Nations Development Programme
YCS - Youth Custody Service, service in charge of the detention of minors
YJB - Youth Justice Board
YOI - Young Offender Institution
YOT - Youth Offending Team
YRO - Youth Rehabilitation Order