
Burying the problems
Twelve pieces exposing the reality of imprisonment
< image © Bertrand Gaudillère.
Excerpts from the book InsideOutside (7/12)
Prison Insider, represented by Clara Grisot, contributed twelve compositions to the book InsideOutside in order to succinctly articulate the current challenges of prison life. All content pertains to 21st-century prison systems unless otherwise indicated. These twelve pieces serve as windows into major themes including mental health, overcrowding, life sentences, and torture.
Seventh piece: mental health.
Staff resort to solitary confinement to deal with situations to which they struggle to respond effectively.
InsideOutside, the book
From 2017 to 2021, photographer Bertrand Gaudillère and Prison Insider engaged in a photographic correspondence with ten prisoners detained worldwide. Graphic designer Yannick Bailly joined them to transform this journey into a book, published by Libel Editions in December 2023. The book is available for purchase for €35. Interested in learning more? Click here to place your order or email us to request the press kit.