France: Olympic Games under control
Security in full fire, full flame
< image © Valentin Lombardi.
Paris, along with other French cities, is hosting the Olympic Games from 26 July to 11 August, and the Paralympic Games from 28 August to 8 September 2024. The Ministry of the Interior says that 800,000 people are expected to attend each day. For the authorities, organising an event of this scale means putting in place unprecedented security measures. This is not a festive time for everyone: for some people, the Olympic Games are synonymous with deprivation of liberty rather than conviviality.
The French section of the International Prison Observatory (Observatoire international des prisons-section française, OIP-SF) is devoting the July edition of its magazine Dedans Dehors to the security measures that have been put in place. The issue, entitled “Paris 2024: repression in the starting blocks”, looks at the social cleansing logic at work, the increase in accelerated trial procedures and the explosion in the number of house arrests.
Johann Bihr is editorial director and editor-in-chief of the magazine Dedans Dehors. Prison Insider asked him three questions.