
"Making every death a public affair"
How to talk about death in prison
Deaths occurring in prison are frequent, but often kept quiet. They are rarely the subject of systematic reporting and never make headlines. Civil society groups are joining forces to draw attention, advocate for greater transparency and raise awareness of prison deaths. In France, this is the case of the group The Dead in Prison (Les Morts de la Prison), which includes Action by Christians for the Abolition of Torture (Action des chrétiens pour l’abolition de la torture (ACAT-France)), Catholic prison chaplaincy (Aumônerie catholique des prisons), Cimade, Catholic Relief Services (Secours Catholique), Farapej, French section of the International Prison Observatory (Observatoire international des prisons-section française) and Little Brothers of the Poor (Petits Frères des Pauvres). In Switzerland, the Citizen Observatory on Deaths in Swiss Prisons - Prison kills (Observatoire citoyen des morts dans les prisons suisses - La prison tue) has been operating since 2022. They keep track of deaths in prison and are committed to this issue.
Denise Delours coordinates the French group, while Clara is a member of the Swiss group. Prison Insider asked them three questions.