
Under Development
Our site, currently being refreshed, will temporarily lose some of its functionalities. Here’s why.
We have information on approximately 90 countries available on our website. It was collected, translated into three languages, and made available in the form of country profiles and comparison data.
We dedicated 2018 to optimizing our methodology. The redesign of our information gathering tools was intended to make the country profiles more comprehensible, and comparisons more efficient. This work has now been completed, and the country profiles are being updated per the refreshed methodology.
However, this refresh has significant implications for the data already available on our website. The Prison Insider team is devoting the upcoming weeks to migrating data from the old to the new model.
At the end of this process, the website will offer new functionalities in the ‘Compare’ section, including the ability to enter long search terms with descriptions, compare the level of organised care between France and Portugal, compare data on what age a minor can be imprisoned between two, three or four countries etc.
The data migration needs to be carried out in three languages and in the shortest possible time: our website is our means of completing this task, and the entire team has been mobilized for this purpose.
During this period, we have decided to decommission our comparison tool and impacted country profiles.
There will also be an impact to the frequency with which we publish and send our newsletters. Bugs and temporary inaccuracies may remain on the website.
We invite you to bring these to our attention by writing to us at [email protected].
Coming soon: a new and improved look!