
Source: Africa News

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Chad: civil society activists in solidarity march with jailed leaders

A number of activists in Chad on Saturday marched to a prison in the outskirts of the capital N’Djamena where four leaders of civil society groups are being held.

The activists from various political parties and societies demanded to be incarcerated in the Amsinene prison where the leaders have been detained.

According to media reports, the leaders were detained earlier in the week after the country’s public prosecutor issued an arrest warrant against them. The four are being accused of instigating the public to protest against incumbent President Idriss Deby.

The law forbids us to keep someone in prison without a warrant.

The activists who came in their numbers did a sit down for several hours in front of the prison administration block after the director of the prison failed to imprison them.

“The law forbids us to keep someone in prison without a warrant,” Adoum Guet, the prison administration director was quoted by AFP.

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